Become a Published Author Faster With A Dedicated Writing Coach

Sign Up Now For 1-on1 Coaching To Get Expert Feedback And Guidance With Your Book

A Proven Process for First Time Authors

You spent days, months (and sometimes years) brainstorming characters, ideas, and a world for your book… But when you get writer’s block, it’s easy to feel lost and frustrated. What is the plot missing? Why does the world feel flat? Which character should I kill off!?

This is where a writing coach comes in! You will get instant access to a writing expert who will guide you step by step through a proven process to finish writing that book.

How it works

A Custom-Tailored Gameplan

With Expert Feedback Every Step of The Way

Getting started is easy. Our coach will work with you through book development sessions and answer any questions you have along the way.

We remove all the obstacles that prevent you from telling your story.

Book Development Obstacles

Flat Characters? Easy, we’ll locate the exact reasons their arc does not work and brainstorm the perfect ideas to match your character’s journey.

Boring Ending? Simple. We’ll map out your story beat by beat using a simple B ME technique to determine the only events destined for your story.

Dull World? Perfect. Based on your genre of storytelling, we’ll develop key characteristics for settings, events, and systems.

Direct Feedback & Authentic Guidance

Need advice on your writing when you’re actually writing? Not sure why the scene doesn’t make sense?

Just message or email your Writing Coach and get expert insights with actionable tips to make your world, plot, and, most importantly, characters more engaging.

Our Writing Coach received a B.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Riverside, wrote as a hobby for 25+ years, found and grew 10+ writers groups, and has worked with hundreds of unpublished authors.

Your coach gives you all the knowledge you need to confidently write your book, knowing you’re on the right path and your ideas are worth your time.

The best part is that you’ll never need to wait to schedule a meeting with your coach.

They are available daily to help you when you sit down to write and need support.

Typical response time: a few minutes to a few hours.

Accountability & Encouragement

Being a writer is an emotional journey of ups and downs, excitement and frustration, clarity and confusion.

Your Writing Coach is always in your corner, offering you emotional support and encouragement to celebrate the wins and offer advice when things start getting tough.

They’ll also hold you accountable with goal-setting exercises and regular check-ins, helping you beat writer’s block and build momentum toward your book’s full potential.

See what other writers are saying

  • Sean Spence

    "Writers are always wary about anyone critiquing their work, but Jared has elevated my scripts with his inciteful (and constructive) criticism. He seems to find those little cracks in the story and fills them with excellent suggestions. If you truly want to enhance your screenplay, having Jared put his eyes on it will do wonders."

  • Vaughn Vajgrt

    “Jared is not only a talented writer and expert, but also a generous and inspiring mentor. He has been encouraging me to work on my writing skills and to pursue my passion. He was very patient with me while I was writing my stories and understood what I was trying to accomplish. He is a true role model for anyone who wants to improve their writing and their life.”

  • Penelope Hartley

    “Jared is not just a talented editor; no no no. He's a trusted collaborator who consistently goes above and beyond my expectations to make sure even the grittiest passages sparkle in the sun. His dedication to refining storytelling is unparalleled. It's an absolute delight to work with someone so hard-working, generous, and completely fabulous.”

Meet the

Writing Coach

J.L.Kauffman helps writers through the WriteNow community. He hosts daily writing streams to help unpublished authors write their first books. These writing streams offer practical tips for the mindset, process, and lifestyle of being a full-time Author.

Whether writers want to participate in community writing sprints, listen to guest authors on the Create Write Now podcast, or have excerpts of their book critiqued, he does it all. Writers of all genres and formats (book, script, graphic novel, etc.) are welcome.

He works with writers of all backgrounds. Every. Single. Day.

Limited Spots


Due to the personal approach and availability of our Writing Coach, a limited number of coaching spots are available!

If you’re interested in getting your own dedicated Writing Coach, we highly suggest signing up now while you still can!

Stop Wasting Your Time Without A Game Plan

And Take Advantage Of This Special Opportunity

Most writers begin their journey as idea people. They get inspired by the characters, worlds, and themes that must be brought to life. This is the fun part!

Many writers begin with a great flow and mindset, only to get sidetracked by writer’s block and life. Without clear systems in place, they stop writing until inspiration strikes again…in a few years.


Instead of going it alone, you can hire the most affordable writing coach for unpublished authors.

Here’s Everything You Get

A Custom-Tailored Gamelan


$30 /Hour

A 3-hour virtual meeting where we talk about the characters, plot, world-building, dialogue, and structure of your book or script.

You can expect to walk away with an outline, a book development plan, and the confidence to finish writing your book or script with ease.



A subscription model where you meet with your writing coach once a week to stay motivated, develop your writing style, and help you solve story problems before they become your obstacle.

Expect the following:

  • Weekly email/messaging conversations about skill-building or book development

  • One weekly coaching session

  • One weekly book or script excerpt feedback with edits and/or critiques

Prefer a mixed approach? No problem! Substitute:

  • One weekly coaching session for up to three book or script excerpt feedback.

  • One week of book or script excerpt feedback for a 2-hour coaching session.

Miss a week? No problem! One coaching session and one book or script excerpt feedback will always carry over to the next week.

Book Development Session


An hourly coaching program where we help you build the skills and confidence to write your next book or script.

  1. Start with a free consultation where we discuss your writing journey and goals.

  2. Purchase hours whenever you need help. For each hour purchased, you will receive a 1-hour writing credit which is later deducted from your Writing Coach’s time.

  3. We’ll help you develop your skills while working on your story through writing exercises, email or messaging conversations, and 1-hour development sessions.

Dedicated 1-on-1 Coach

Gain instant access to an experienced coach and receive expert advice and feedback.

Book Critique & Review

Custom review of your book’s characters, world-building, and plot to uncover the problems and help you get it to a final draft.

Book Development Plan

Step by step gameplan custom-tailored to your writing process so you can write your book faster.


On-going encouragement and consistent support from your coach as you work through your Book Development Plan.

Blurb Feedback

Blurb feedback and strategy for you to attract a greater readership.

Series Bible

Create a series bible to capture all of the details for that long book or script series.

Outline Creation

Review or develop your outline using the BME technique to craft the best story for your hero.

New writing techniques

Learn advanced writing techniques to make your stories stand out and refine your unique style.

Early access WriteNow

Gain early access to upcoming tools, articles, and projects for the WriteNow community.

Have Questions? Contact: 530-386-6199