Portal’s Dilemna

A Short story about a trapped father on a hunt for a fairy to save his daughter

“A friggin groundhog’s day, are you kiddin me?” Port raged in his English accent as he stepped out of the gateway for the umpteenth time…

All he wanted was to catch a fairy for his dying kid, how hard was that?

“Last time I trust a wizard with a cape,” Port muttered as he began the ascent up the ancient & crumbling staircase.

As usual, he tripped over the top step. It no longer phased him. With a long, frustrated sigh he muttered, “Attempt number 69.” He laughed before
stepping into the shimmering colorscape.

Port stepped onto a crumbling platform.
Port dodged the death bird brigade.
Port rolled onto the passing ship.
Port dove to the island’s edge.
Port fought a possessed sword.
Port possessed the sword.
Port lept through the portal.
Port exited the portal with a cry of victory.

The stairs collapsed, and Port fell to his death…

Port exited the portal and kicked the ground in a fit of rage. How many times must he die? Either he breaks the cycle or the cycle breaks him.
What if she thought he abandoned her in this time of need?

Port sprinted up the stairs in a blind rage.

Attempt #70, 71, 72…

Port collapsed out of the portal. “Attempt 100,” he muttered out of breath.

“Bloody, let me die already!” How many more attempts must he suffer to save her life? He closed his eyes and pictured her childish smile,

“Old man, don’t hate the player; hate the game.”

Port’s eyes shot open! What a right moron he had been. Never had he been the bloke to play by another’s game.

“This is Port’s game, baby!”

When Port exited the portal, he caught a ride with the Death Bird Brigade,
captured a fairy, saluted the sword, and dove for the clouds.

Port rolled through into his daughter’s bedroom. She clapped for him.
He bowed, knowing he had won the game.

“Your fairy, my princess.”


Critiquing the Creative…


Overcome Writer’s Block