Kauffman Writes Creative Writing short story

Note: This short story was created as part of a 20-minute live stream free write I hosted. It has not gone through a thorough editing process but showcases my natural ability to craft a story in the moment.

The Mirror of Twilight

The luminescent blue light of the mirrorscape made it nearly impossible for the young sorceress to find her way home. She dodged between trees and brushes that extended vines to capture her. She skipped over a puddle of who knows what only to stumble over a group of little shadow gnomes.

“Feed us,” they demonic blackish blue creatures chanted up at her, their wide shadowy eyes salivating nearly as much as their dark little mouths. She kicked one aside as a response.

“Suck on that Gnomebags!” she hollered at them.

Soon more of these puddles were rising up in her way as she dipped, ducked, and dove through this myriad landscape. The blackened trees were beginning to grow closer together. The puddles becoming wider and the shadow gnomes becoming more plentiful.

“Where in the mirrorscape am I?” her normally vibrant voice now dull and full of despair.

The forest grew tighter and tighter around her as she skidded to a halt, realizing something had to change. At this rate, she would become a reflection of herself in no time. And if she became a reflection, the Prince sure wasn’t going to be saving himself anytime soon. What a buffoon. However she let herself get talked into this mission was still beyond her.

The Young Sorceress realized she was pulled at strands of her normally luscious blonde hair. Great and she was losing her hair at this rate.

“You’re going to be the death of me, Merlin!” She punched a flying shadow gargoyle out of spite. Wait, when did they show up? She realized an entire flock of the little demons darted in between the trees racing to catch her and entrap her here. “Merlin’s bagh!” she cried out before kicking herself back into a full on sprint.

She raised her wand in the air, and circled it in a wide arc until a blue mist seeped out in every direction turning the closest shadow creatures into specks of starlight. She stuck her tongue out at them, “Suck on that Star Magic, Merlin!” She muttered to herself her normal vibrato returning to her voice at a newfound determination.

And just like that there it was in the distance. The wooden candlelit body sized mirror. It was there welcoming her. At last, she could get out of this entrapment and continue on her journey. She elbowed another shadow gargoyle trying to latch on to her. How marvelous a bathing would feel (especially a magical bathing). She giggled at the thought.

She got closer and closer to the mirror all it took was to move through its reflection and she would be returned!

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the horror float down. It’s reaper like cape and evil blue eyes and mouth lit up as it watched her sprinting towards the mirror. It reached out towards and flew to the very same mirror with an all knowing look. The Horror must know it’s speed was unmatched.

The Sorceress gritted her teeth. So close. She had to think of something.

‘When in doubt, hit them with the wooden end.’ Her mentor’s words rang in her mind. She looked down at her wand, a tear reaching her face. If it meant survival.

The Horror was nearly at the mirror as well. She was within jumping distance, but it was going to block her way. She did the only thing to think of in that moment. She grabbed her wand gingerly, cast the spell she was well known for.

“TWILIGHT ATTACK!” She screeched as she flung the wand at The Horror. The creature watched the wand flying at it, expecting an attack. The wand however did the only thing possible, it landed straight in The Horror’s eye temporarily blinding it.

The Young Sorceress leaped through the mirror.

She heaved a sigh of relief and she skidded to the other side. She turned to look back at the mirror only to realize with horror as the creatures on the otherside were now laughing at her.

She had entrapped herself in the wrong mirror, forever to be lost in a mirror universe.


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